Agrarian Reform Improving Welfare and Social Justice in Rural Areas


  • Yuyun Kadarlia Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah


Agrarian Reform, Rural Development, Welfare, Social Justice, Policy Implementation


Agrarian reform has become the main focus in efforts to improve welfare and social justice in rural areas. The aim of agrarian reform is to reduce inequality in land ownership, increase farmers' access to natural resources, and create a more equitable and sustainable environment for rural communities. This paper describes the concept, objectives, implementation and impact of agrarian reform in the context of improving welfare and social justice in rural areas. Literature studies show that agrarian reform has had a significant impact in changing the social and economic structure in rural areas. Through land redistribution, empowerment of small farmers, and protection of land rights, agrarian reform aims to increase the economic and social participation of rural communities and reduce poverty and social inequality. However, the implementation of agrarian reform is faced with a number of challenges and obstacles, including conflicts of interest, legal uncertainty and limited resources. Evaluations of agrarian reform programs show varying results, with some programs succeeding in increasing land access and farmer welfare, while other programs face obstacles in their implementation and impact. Thus, an in-depth understanding of the concept, implementation and evaluation of agrarian reform is very important for the development of sustainable and effective policies in improving welfare and social justice in rural areas. Collaborative efforts are needed between the government, society and other related parties to overcome existing challenges and ensure that agrarian reform truly provides maximum benefits for rural communities and maintains environmental sustainability.


