Community Legal Compliance Seen From The School of Legal Philosophy


  • Jose Andreawan Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah


Legal Compliance, Legal Certainty, Legal Philosophy


Indonesia as a state of law, of course, its people must be subject to applicable legal provisions. However, community legal compliance becomes a major problem when the legal products made are not in accordance with the legal culture of the community. So there needs to be an assessment through the point of view of legal philosophy. The research method used in writing this journal is juridical-normative legal research that only emphasizes the study of documents, the legal sources used are laws and regulations, contracts/agreements/contracts, legal theories and opinions of scholars. The purpose of writing this scientific article is to find out what are the inhibiting factors and supporting factors of community legal compliance seen from the school of legal philosophy. The research results of this article are that between the relationship between legal compliance and legal philosophy can be exemplified by 3 theories, namely the theory of divine sovereignty, the theory of community agreements, and the theory of state sovereignty. All three show a variety of different symptoms if applied. However, the best thing to apply is actually the theory of god's sovereignty and community covenant which prioritizes justice and legal certainty.


