Optimizing Nazhir's Role in Managing Waqf to Realize Economic and Social Development in Bekasi City
Waqf, Nazir, Economic and SocialAbstract
Waqf is a form of worship that is recommended to be carried out by every Muslim. This is because the rewards continue to flow even though the wakif has died as long as the items donated can be used by people who need them. Waqf can include movable or immovable objects. Although various narrations/hadith say that the issue of waqf is about land, various scholars understand that non-land waqf is also fine as long as the objects are not immediately destroyed/exhausted when the benefits are taken. Waqf significantly contributes to growth. culturally and intellectually, waqf also plays a positive role in upholding social justice, because it encourages those who are rich to establish waqf that will guarantee the poor. In Indonesia, waqf is regulated in Republic of Indonesia Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning WAKAF. Article 5 of the Waqf Law explains that the function of waqf is to realize the potential and economic benefits of waqf property for the purposes of worship and to advance public welfare. In its development, Muslims have become aware of implementing waqf for their assets, especially in Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim. The benefits of waqf institutions have been felt by Muslims, especially in economic and social development. The role of waqf nadzir is very important in order to improve and manage waqf objects. However, in practice there are many waqf objects that cannot be optimized and are even neglected, due to the inability of nadzir, especially in cities. Bekasi in managing waqf objects. For this reason, researchers will conduct research related to optimizing Nazir's skills in managing waqf assets in realizing economic and social development. In Article 9 of Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning WAKAF, Nazirwakaf can include: a. individual; b. organization; or c. legal entity. In carrying out his duties, Nazir received guidance from the Minister and the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). The problems that will be examined in this research are: 1) what is Nazhir's role in managing Waqf assets, 2) what is the form of optimizing Nazhir's skills in managing Waqaf to realize economic and social development in Bekasi City. The aim to be achieved is to research and study Nazhir's role in managing Waqaf in Bekasi City and looking for forms of optimizing Nazhir's skills in managing Waqaf to realize economic and social development.
The method used in this research is normative juridical, namely by examining secondary data and empirical juridical, namely examining primary data. The planned activities in this research are to conduct research on Waqf regulations, examine Nazhir's skills in managing Waqf assets in Bekasi City, conduct interviews with the Indonesian Waqf Board, which is an independent institution for developing waqf in Indonesia, conduct interviews with Waqifs, Nazhir and the City community. Bekasi. The research stage begins by examining the legal basis of Waqf in Indonesia, followed by examining the duties and authority of the Nazhir as the party authorized to receive waqf assets from the Wakif to be managed and developed according to their intended use. The next stage is to examine Nazir's skills in managing waqf assets and formulate a form of optimizing Nazir's skills in managing waqf assets to realize economic and social development. The resulting output is a recommendation for optimizing Nazir's skills in managing waqf assets.