The Challenge of Structuring Sharia Economic Law in Law Faculty


  • Lubis Efridani Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah
  • Lathif Ah Azharuddin Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Sharia Economic Law, Islamic Economics, Sharia Economic Law Curriculum


The development of Islamic economics, which became an alternative economic system after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as a balance to the liberal-capitalist economy, is increasingly popular among business people, especially in countries with a significant Muslim population such as Indonesia. This phenomenon also encouraged the development of Islamic economic law in the end. Therefore, the learning system at law faculties is important in preparing competent Islamic economic law graduates. However, from the results of the evaluation of Islamic economic law learning so far, there are 2 main problems, namely legislative disharmony in Sharia Economic Law, and lack of competent human resources availability, including teachers or lecturers. Responding to this and using the focus group discussion method and discussions with the association of teachers and researchers of Islamic Economic Law or APPHEISI, Law Faculty of UIA formulating and structuring a curriculum for sharia economic law as concentration. The main challenge in doing so is the suitability of the material to practical needs in the digital era, in addition to the limited credits assigned to undergraduate level and the availability of teaching lecturers. Using a pedagogical approach and the link between the academy and the industrial as well as the link with learning outcomes, it was decided that the basis for the preparation was to maximize existing courses and give priority to the most related courses. Therefore, there are courses that are inserted and integrated with existing courses based on their proximity. With this approach, a curriculum composition of 144 credits is obtained, consisting of national subjects (12 credits), university subjects (12 credits), core competency subjects (93 credits), specific competency subjects (21 credits), minor/optional subjects (6 credits ). Apart from that, supporting programs are needed in the form of Training of Trainers (ToT) for Lecturers teaching Sharia Economic Law, and the establishment of The Study Center of Law and Sharia Economy at the university level, which is a collaboration between three faculties: the Faculty of Law, Economics and Religion.



2024-05-06 — Updated on 2024-05-17