Restructurisation Special Autonomy Policy The Province Of Equity Papua According To Indonesian Constitution


  • Budi Kasan Besari Adinagoro Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, Indonesia




In addition, this conception on the one hand confirms the region's existence as a national part, but on the other hand provides a stimulant for local communities to articulate all their interests, including the issue of regional autonomy in the legal system and national policy. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua. 18 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Special Region of Aceh as a Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Although the Law on Regional Special Autonomy has been enacted, the critical movement towards various problems in the area such as violations of Human Rights, and injustice does not necessarily stop. The essence of the concept of implementing regional autonomy is an effort to maximize the results to be achieved while avoiding complexities and things that hinder the implementation of regional autonomy. This research aims to analyze the Papua Province Special Autonomy policy based on the Indonesian constitution. To explore the role of the government in supervising the implementation of the Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, the Law on Special Autonomy for the Papua Province. The research method used is normative law, namely examining a collection of legal materials related to autonomy policy. The results of this study are expected to provide a useful understanding of the development of legal science and constitutional law and become a reference and reference for researchers in terms of restructuring, and special autonomy policy Papua Province fair. this research limits itself to Papuan autonomy, the role of the government in supervising the implementation of the Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, the Law on Special Autonomy for the Papua Province no research on Papuan autonomy has been carried out with the aim of expected to provide input and information to the legislature and can increase insight into the development of knowledge in the field of Legal Science.


