The Refugee Law and Obtaining The Citizenship of The Ex-Terrorist


  • Abdullah R. Aji Haqqi Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, Indonesia
  • R. A. Yulianto Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, Indonesia


Refugee, Obtaining, Citizenship, revoke, ex-terrorist


Depriving someone of citizenship is not tantamount to preventing them (or their close associates) from perpetrating an attack. First, in a technologically interconnected world, physical presence is no longer necessary to orchestrate criminal acts. Therefore, even if countries could seal their borders against the re- entry of persons whose citizenship had been rescinded, this would not necessarily inoculate them against a threat that is by definition transnational, and could be perpetrated from abroad. Second, individuals determined to re-enter the country will still be able to find ways to do so, including through illegal means. Depriving someone of citizenship could push them further underground, or for those who are not the most serious offenders, prevent them from cooperating with law enforcement. The main objective of such laws is to prevent terrorism and radicalization, either by barring a potential perpetrator from returning from a training camp or fighting abroad or deterring those who may wish to do so in the future. In both regards, evidence is lacking, and in fact some analysts have suggested that these laws may increase the threat, while others argue the opposite. to find the law and regulation of Obtaining the citizenship again after the government revoked it from Ex- terrorist and does the refugee law protect the ex-terrorist from being statelessness. The research is limited in the refugee law and is there a relationship with the issue of revoking citizenship from the ex-terrorist especially Indonesia acknowledging one citizenship therefore the question here where should he go? many countries could not solve and prevent their citizens from having the basic human rights. when their citizenship was revoked due to a membership of a particular terrorist group. if the terrorist repented thus who can protect his legal status with his family.


