Institutional Strengthening, Function and Authority of Regional Representative Council of Republic Indonesia In The Establishment of Law


  • Wiwin Taswin Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah


Institutional Strengthening, Function and Authority, Regional Representative Council of Republic of Indonesia, The Establishment of Law


Abstract This paper discusses the efforts of Institutional Strengthening of DPD RI, as well as efforts to strengthen the Function and Authority of DPD RI in the Establishment of Law. DPD RI institutions born since the third amendment of the 1945 Constitution are designed to offset the power of DPR in parliament. But in practice, institutionally the function and authority of DPD legislation is not strong enough to keep up with the DPR. DPD is only positioned as a complementary institution of DPR (auxillary body) by the amenders of the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, this thesis examines how efforts to strengthen DPD institutions in parliament, as well as efforts to strengthen the functions and authorities of DPD in the establishment of laws. This type of research is juridical normative with qualitative approach. The results of the study authors propose First, to strengthen the institutional must be started from the selection process of candidates of DPD senators. So far, the nomination of DPD senators through quantity selection, namely the minimum requirement of support. In the future, this provision must be changed to quality selection, namely the screening of dpd candidates through academic institutions, professions, bureaucracy, entrepreneurs, religions or customs. The selection process is carried out to determine which candidates will fight in the election. Second, the composition of DPD must pay attention to the quantity and quality of dpd members. In quantity, the number of DPD members must be balanced with the number of DPR members, not onethird. In quality, dpd members must have one of the abilities in the academic, professional, bureaucratic, entrepreneur, religious or customary fields. Third, to strengthen the function and authority of DPD, DPD must be given the function of legislation to approve the law. The stronger the DPD institution, it is expected that the check and balances mechanism in the parliamentary body will run well. Thus will create a strong bikameral system.


