Legal Study on The Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM) As A Force Majeure Over Covid-19 Measures


  • Heru Setiyowati Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah
  • Efridani Lubis Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah


PPKM, Pandemic, Force Majeure


Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) has spread throughout all over the world, Indonesia has also has a devastating impact on many sectors and fields, including its economy, therefore, the Government must provide protection to the public in order to prevent and settle Covid-19 cases in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. Certain steps which have been taken by the government were by its policy on the implementation for the Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM). Nevertheless, this taken policy turned out to have a very large socio-economic impact on the public. Objective of this study is to determine as well as analyze socio-economic impact of the PPKM policy in Indonesia in a juridical perspective. This study uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. Qualitative data analysis. The results on this study show that government policies by implementing PPKM have a very large impact in socio-economic sectors. Certain restrictions on carrying out activities on large scale will be automatically affected in increasingly difficult economic conditions with the cessation of most economic activities. The PPKM policy has also had an impact on the interaction of social relations. Restrictions on certain activities and interactions between individuals have become social problem due to boredom and tiredness that hit while following the provisionson PPKM Policy where one must stay at home. Another problem and issue is the increase number of poor people, which significantly increases number of beggars, gutter children, and homeless, so it is very likely to increase number of people with mental disorders. The divorce rate has the potential to increase due to the emergence of problems in the household due to the economic crush. Increasing unemployment rate will automatically increase crime rates. The economic and social impacts mentioned above are certainly a challenge for the government in evaluating the policies implemented so that it can impede people's conditions getting worse


