Utilization of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Websites in Brand Building Awareness in Health Institutions

(Study Case Klinik Griya Husada)


  • Ibrahim Malik Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah
  • Sarji Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah


Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Website, Brand Awareness


The study was conducted to find facts in the field related to brand awareness of patients, and business partners of the Griya Husada Clinic, through data collection from primary and secondary sources. Data collection instruments used by researchers are interviews, document studies, observation and questionnaires. Furthermore, the provision of questionnaires to patients and business partners aims to determine the response or responses of patients and business partners to search engine optimization (SEO) or websites that are aspects of their interest in using Griya Husada Clinic health services. This study concluded that patients and business partners who were respondents indicated that they were aware of the Griya Husada Clinic and its health services through a search on the Google search engine. services on search engines (SEO) such as Google attract customers to use the services of the Griya Husada Clinic with a percentage rate of 90% which is included in the Very High category.


