Law Enforcement Against Corruption Criminal Acts in Indonesia from The Perspective of Legal Certainty


  • Syarif Fadillah Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah


Law Enforcement, Corruption Criminal Acts, Legal Certainty


Law enforcement against Corruption Crimes in Indonesia has not been as expected, and is still far from the goals of the law, namely the realization of Legal Certainty, Justice and Benefit. Law enforcers such as the Police, Prosecutor's Office and KPK as tools of the State in combating Corruption Crimes still look half-hearted, still seem selective (not optimal), there are still major corruption cases that have not been resolved. The latest data released by the KPK in 2023 from January to October, shows the following graph; (1) Gratification / Bribery 44 cases, (2) Procurement of Goods 32 cases, (3) TPPU 6 cases, (4) Obstructing Investigation 2 cases, (5) Levy / Extortion 1 case, (6) Licensing 0 cases, (7) Budget Abuse 0 cases. This resulted in a total of 85 cases. The data above shows that corruption crimes in Indonesia do not decrease every year, and even show an increase. So, it is not surprising that Transparency International (TI) launched the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from hundreds of countries surveyed, Indonesia's GPA was 34 points on a scale of 0-100 points in 2023. The figure was stagnant from the 2022 gain, but the ranking actually fell. Indonesia was ranked 110th in 2022, dropping to 115th in 2023. That position is in line with Ecuador, Malawi, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Turkey. Then the question is what about law enforcement against corruption in Indonesia, and how are the obstacles and/or barriers to law enforcement against corruption in Indonesia, not going well, so that corruption in Indonesia still occurs a lot?


